SONJA BOLLNOW +61 435 776 985

"Don't ask what the world needs.

Ask what makes you come alive and go out and do it.

Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. "

Howard Thurman

Leading life from the heart is where the key to aliveness lies. Empowered, authentic, (com)passionate, joyful those are just some of the traits of heart based living and what Coming Home to Your Self is all about. When you are home with your Self you are guided by inspired actions, love, knowing of your values and living them. You live on task and purpose, truly empowered to be and do anything you desire. Unashamed, free and inspiring others to do the same. I call this living heartfully. Not mindfully but heartfully!

Living heartfully is not an airy fairy way of being. It’s an expression of your authentic self; for yourself, in relationships, professionally and the planet. It’s an inspired and inspiring aliveness!

“Your vision will become clear only when

you look inside your heart.

Who looks outside, dreams.

Who looks inside, awakens."

Carl Jung

The empowered way forward is inward first. When you are activated in your wisdom, imagine how you can show up in life then! Activated in your wisdom means you don’t let your Inner Critic or Doubter stop you. You learn to listen and trust your authentic, true Self instead. You trust your gut feelings and learn to distinguish those from your fears.

Living heartfully means living fearlessly because you know you are always enough. Showing up courageously, even when you are not certain of the outcome, or when your mind wants to give you reasons to fear, to not engage or wanting you to believe it’s all too hard or not worth it. Leading your life instead authentically, with greater joy, inner peace and purpose.

I wish I could say I’ve got this down. I don’t. It’s a journey, and I’m on that journey just as much. I’ve learnt though over the decades of helping others and myself that the trick is to acknowledge when one has come off track and then to embrace the realignment… and that’s where your authentic, true Self comes in! That part of you who knows without a doubt of what actions to take, what thoughts to have, what things to let go off, what perspectives to embrace to realign to your purpose, your joy and empowered living, health and wellbeing. It only takes your willingness to listen, to be present and to trust it.

And to clarify, your authentic, true Self is not an outer entity or deity, it’s the very, very core of you. That part of you who has been untouched by life’s challenges and your conditioning, unaffected by the programs of your environment and society. In your True Self there is no bondage but only utter freedom based in wisdom and love, living empowered from the inside out. And living empowered is your best version in action. It means you are doing what you’ve come here to do and loving it.

Don’t you think that is worth embracing?!Remember: Your life matters! Your purpose matters! Your leadership matters! You matter!

Allow me to join you on your path for a while, to listen together of what wants to emerge from you in the most powerful ways.

You’ve got this. I only hold the space for you to remember!

“What lies behind us and

what lies before us

are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

In addition to private sessions, I hold regular workshops, courses and retreats, some also online and in co-facilitation, all aimed to support you in living your greatest aliveness and heartfullness.

And this year....

Inaugural Family and Systemic Constellation Facilitator Training - 2025

What Describes Sonja

Sonja is one of those unique individuals who is capable of facilitating transformational change without ego or agenda. Her ability to hold complete presence in a space of unconditional love provides the perfect environment for people, groups, and animals to undergo the healing and empowerment they need in order to access and action their own strengths and gifts. The breadth of Sonja’s learning and experience allow her a greater perspective and empathy for those she works with and heightens her ability to see to the very core of what is really going on. Having been intuitively guided through a process tailored specifically to them and their most pressing needs, people leave sessions, workshops and retreats with a greater sense of direction and connection, and a trust in themselves, their own inner knowing and abilities.

My Services

Allow me to join you on your path for a while. Let’s listen together to what wants to emerge from you in the most powerful ways. We co-facilitate what is there for you to discover, embrace and live again.

Copyright Sonja Bollnow 2024